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International Grammar School – Greenpoint Continues to Deliver

International Grammar Schoo

International Grammar School

International Grammar Schoo

Greenpoint is continuing the established relationship with the International Grammar School Sydney (IGS), with the continuation of the 2015 works programme in the June/July School Holiday period. The current works programme started at the end of Term 4 2014 with works over the December/January holiday period.

The next stage was completed in April 2015 with façade upgrade works incorporating accessibility works to the Wright Building Entry and Interior Works for the Facilities & IT Area Fitout.

The works package currently under construction (June/July Holiday Period) includes the major refurbishment of the Administration Centre and Interior Fit out Works. This project includes Workplace Interiors for the Principal and Executive Management of the School and the Interior Fitout of the Student Services Area where a New Student Reception and Sick Bay Area will be created to further enhance the existing facilities. This package will be completed at the end of the July with works being undertaken in collaboration with IGS to minimise the disruption to the operation of the school and not compromise the functional areas of the learning and teaching rooms.

The final works package is slated to take place during the 2015 End of Year Break (December/January).

International Grammar School have successfully partnered with Greenpoint on many occasions in the past six years to deliver high quality outcomes and the requirements of the School’s Capital Works Programme. The current project represents the fifteenth project that International Grammar School has undertaken with Greenpoint.

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