Uniting Wirreanda West Pennant Hills is a Retirement Community, comprising in excess of 100 dwellings (self-contained villas and multi-level apartments) and is “a short drive from Castle Towers Shopping Centre and close to Castlewood Community Reserve and the Highs Road Village Green.” The Village has and Aged Care home on the same site.
Works completed include:
- 2no New External Lift Services – including shaft and elevated walkway link bridges at each level.
- Refurbishment of the Community Centre new external access ramps, steps, decking etc. as well as complete internal refurbishment.
- Upgrade and replacement existing pathways, handrails and balustrades.
- New carparks
- Landscaping and exterior lighting as amended.
- New Front entrance walls, comprising widened vehicular entry, stone cladding, signage
- Extension and refurbishment of existing Lounge areas
Once again, the works were undertaken in stages whilst the Village remained in full operation.
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